Category: Theology

  • 2 Conversations

    I had 2 very interesting conversations after church this morning. Each quite different, but each challenging in their own way. The first was as I was heading through for a coffee. I was ‘collared’ and asked if I could explain something. “Why, ” I was asked, “did Jesus cry out on the cross that His…

  • Answered prayer

    In a manner of speaking. Managed to get my Modern Christology essay in this morning after finishing it just before midnight last night. Had a major ‘writer’s block’ by Saturday and what I can only put down to a bit of divine inspiration got it going again on Sunday. If I even hint at doing…

  • Silence is golden

    The Modern Christology class has moved on from Barth and this week was Rahner. What a difference in class contribution this week. The 4th year group, who did the Barth course last year and who dominated last week’s discussions, were remarkably less vocal this week. Even normally confidently expressed opinions were put forward with a…

  • More theology stuff

    I know I said I’d probably blog about the pastoral care course but we’ve just been doing some Barth today and I feel an urge to share. Actually, I got off to a bad start – I had a cold for most of last week and couldn’t get my head round any of the readings…

  • Theology stuff

    Well, I was this close (imagine thumb and forefinger held up really close together) to dropping Modern Christology and opting for something like Homiletics. 150 pages of Schleiermacher just about did my head in and I was seriously thinking of finding something less burdensome. So, last Monday morning I happened to bump into the lecturer…