Category: Blogging

  • Claim-staking

    I was having a chat the other day with Nikki about life, the universe and blogging. I had, in the back of my mind, Scott’s challenge to define my theology and I was throwing around the idea that I am a bit of a ‘bungee-theologian’. That doesn’t mean I keep changing my mind and bounce…

  • Bible in 5 statements

    Stewart has challenged me to: Summarize the Bible in five statements, the first one word long, the second two, the third three, the fourth four and the last five words long. Or possibly you could do this in descending order. Tag five people. So… here goes… Witness God’s Love Humanity turns away Jesus died for…

  • By way of explanation

    This blog forms part of my ongoing journalling and reflection on my training process into ministry. I generally blog about particular theological issues I’m wrestling with and those discussions are open to all as I seek to understand different viewpoints. Sometimes the topic is about particualr situations or events that have been part of my…

  • Catch up

    It occurred to me that I hadn’t blogged for a while and indeed the last one was over a week ago. But that last blog post contains the root of the lack of blogging – the usual step change in activity when a new semester starts. I’m also conscious that, in previous years, my semester-time…

  • Be sharp

    Intrigued by the title, I followed a link in my WordPress dashboard to the article “How to write with a knife“. It is aimed primarily at bloggers but I couldn’t help but notice its applicability to sermon or reflection writing. I encourage you to read the article – in keeping with its teaching aims it’s…

  • Gagged or not?

    The minutes of Monday’s GA session are available online and the wording of the so-called ‘gagging clause’ read as follows: Instruct all Courts, Councils and Committees of the Church not to issue press statements or otherwise talk to the media or to make decisions in relation to contentious matters of human sexuality, with respect to…

  • A plea for words

    Does anyone have the definitive version of Dr McPake’s motion (as amended) from Saturday night at GA? I’ve seen so many variants of who can comment and who can’t and under what circumstances that I’d really like to see the actual words. My impression is that the ‘gagging order’ is aimed at the councils and…

  • More blogging

    At the recent Candidates’ Conference, Ministries Council outlined their revised plans for the ongoing assessment part of the training. Candidates are now encouraged to continue journalling to record their thoughts on situations and challenges encountered during training. Many will continue using diaries and the like, and I will continue to blog my thoughts (nobody forces…

  • Yeah I know!

    I know I said I wasn’t going to change the theme for a while, but hey! I couldn’t resist this one when I saw it even though it’s only a 2-column theme and I generally prefer 3-column themes. The background and general theme is ‘visitor selectable’ and it should remember your selection if you have…

  • Remembrance Sunday 08

    Once again it is the time to remember those who have fallen in conflicts both in recent memory and only open to us through the memories of others. Lest we forget, we will speak their names and hold them in our hearts. Lest we forget, we will pray with those who remember. Lest we forget,…